NUTRITION PLAN for Randy Brixey


BREAKFAST options (can do both options for more protein)

  • 2-6 Eggs, 2-4 pcs bacon, add avocado as desired

  • Protein smoothie w/ 1 scoop protein + 1 scoop collagen + 1 tbsp of olive oil + 1 banana

LUNCH options - choose one

  • Salad w/ choice of meat, fish, chicken - try to add nuts, avocado, and an oil-based dressing (can use as much dressing as needed)

  • Fajitas - no chips or tortillas, can have beans if you’ve trained prior that day, add guac and cheese

  • BBQ - meat + non-starchy side (green beans, salad)

  • Burger w/out the bun, add cheese and avocado, can add bacon - also eat a salad with this meal 

  • Fish - nothing fried and no bread or starchy carbs, add steamed veggies or salad

DINNER options - choose 1

  • Choose a meat, chicken or fish serving (6-8 ounces) and starchy vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, etc

  • Limits only exist in portions. Don’t over eat, stop eating before you’re stuffed. Eat slow. 

  • This will be adjusted as needed after we review glucose data 


  • Cheese

  • Organic natural lunch meat

  • Hardboiled eggs

  • Pistachios, walnuts, pecans

SALAD NOTES: choice of greens and 2-3 other plants (onion, peppers, etc) and add a TBSP of nuts or seeds (walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds), avoid raw mushrooms


  • All grains (corn, wheat, pasta) except white rice as determined by CGM data

  • Sodas

  • Candy

  • Breads, tortillas, chips

  • Alcohol 

  • Dairy as tolerated

  • Sugar or anything with added sugar

  • Anything fried

  • Out-to-eat meals (can do as needed but make wise choices, nothing fried, choose salad and meat) 


  • Salad dressing - olive oil or avocado oil based only, NO SEED OILS (canola, soy, etc) 

  • Natural meats - organic, grass fed, no hormones

  • Fish 2 times per week

  • Blueberries and strawberries as fruit options in small portions

  • 1 Avocado daily 


  • Don’t carb load

  • Daily carb grams 50-75 are ideal, and most should be after 12pm with lunch and dinner

  • Carb fueling should start ON THE BIKE, shoot for 25-50g of carbs per hour depending on workout

  • Refueling should be done with another 25g carbs right after your workout IF IT’S OVER an hour

  • Fasted rides should be done in the AM, first thing, and without food, can drink LMNT 

  • Longer rides: add solid food at hours 3 and 6 as needed, bars of around 200-300 cals along with your liquid nutrition

  • CGM: if using a CGM, training levels should be >100 and can go up to 150-180 during training, recovery levels should be >100 for an hour after workout but not exceeding 150