Studying Muscular Firing Patterns to Help Athletes Optimize Movement and Performance.

What is EMG?

EMG (electromyography) is the recording of the electrical activity of muscles and is a means of physical exploration and testing the integrity of the motor system. Electromyographic analysis can provide a basis for optimal positioning of the exercise or movement pattern assessed.

Who is it for?

  • anyone who’s been diagnosed with SI joint dysfunction

  • anyone who is experiencing knee pain, plantar fasciitis, ITB syndrome

  • to correct running pronation, ACL rupture prevention and rehab

  • hip flexor weakness, glute impairment, excessive pelvic rotation

  • anyone who feels they have a muscular imbalance

  • if you experience hip or low back pain when running, cycling, lifting, dancing, martial arts

The only method to properly study human movement is to analyze muscular firing patterns by way of electromyography (surface EMG). We have the ability to view your neuromuscular system talking to your muscles and make corrections as needed.

Case Study

Discipline: Ultra Runner
Reason for evaluation: lower leg pain when running and cycling
Injury present: plantar fasciitis and calf cramping
Findings: hamstrings were receiving excessive neurostimulation during hip extension phase
Correctives: performed prescribed movements using EMG as biofeedback method as well as take-home program

Neuromuscular Study

EMG is the recording of the electrical activity of muscles and is a means of physical exploration and testing the integrity of the motor system. Electromyographic analysis can provide a basis for optimal positioning of the exercise or movement pattern assessed.

Cost: $250 initial eval / $200 follow up