Female soccer players with ACL reconstruction have a higher risk of new knee injuries and quit soccer to a higher degree than

Anterior cruciate ligament injury rates continue to rise in men's and women's soccer. Surface electromyography (EMG) has been used in studies to measure the activation of gluteus maximus and medius during the deceleration phase of landings. Greater gluteus maximus activation and a decreased knee abduction (knee valgus) angle during drop landing leads to a decrease in injury.

We have the ability to test and measure the risk of ACL rupture in athletes by using surface electromyography (EMG). If risk is present, EMG feedback is used to reprogram neuromuscular and muscle activation patterns that lead to injury by utilizing biofeedback from EMG and applying correctives. 

What is EMG?

EMG (electromyography) is the recording of the electrical activity of muscles and is a means of physical exploration and testing the integrity of the motor system. Electromyographic analysis can provide a basis for optimal positioning of the exercise or movement pattern assessed.

EMG and ACL injury prevention

The Process

  • We start off by doing a complete physical and movement evaluation, looking for issues that may present themselves later as injury. This includes a foot and ankle study, knee and hip evaluation, spine and shoulder range of motion as well as a full movement analysis.

  • We then utilize EMG to study the athletes muscular firing patterns that are associated with their sport as well as needed for stability and power transfer.

  • Next we work on improving any dysfunction through corrective exercises while using the EMG real-time data for biofeedback and verification.

  • Lastly the athlete will leave with a program that they will incorporate into their pre-workout warm up routine as well as day-off exercises. A follow up suggestion will be determined at this time.

What to Expect

Each session is approximately 1 hour and will require the athlete to perform simple tasks and exercises.

Cost: $200 initial evaluation / $150 follow up