Hip Flexibility + Glute Work
• daily stretch 1-3 mins each leg
• tuck hips before advancing to the stretch
• increase hip extension in kneeling leg using opposite leg to lunge forward
You should feel a stretch in the quad and hip flexor region. Goal is to increase the amount of hip extension (kneeling leg, posterior movement). The non-stretching leg should be out in front in a lunge position. This leg will allow you to move forward and backward as needed to dial in the hip stretch. You should feel no pain while stretching. Intensity should be 5 or 6 out of 10.
• band around ankles, start with feet together and kick out to the side
• goal is 20-30 reps each leg
• use mini-bands, start with easy then increase band resistance as tolerated
• go for full range of motion starting with feet together
You will hopefully feel a slight to moderate burn in your glutes (medius and minimus, side of your butt). Goal is 30 reps, so choose a band that will allow you to get a deep fatigue in that area.
• goal is 20-30 reps each leg
• use mini-bands, start with easy then increase band resistance as tolerated
• go for full range of motion starting with feet together
Be sure to truly use your glutes and fire from the hips, not the hamstring. Keep the knee as straight as possible. Slight lean forward.
• use mini band placed about 1" above the knee on the lower thigh
• keep feet comfortably wide, strong squat stance
• maintain pressure on band, abducting both legs from the hips
• spine straight, proud chest, fire lats to activate shoulders
• lower leg straight, shoot hips back, trunk forward
• shoot for 3 sets of 20 reps
a soft playground ball works great for this exercise
place ball between knees and squeeze/release for 20-30 reps
finish last rep in each set with a 5 second hold
partial squat with one leg
balance is key
do NOT let the working knee migrate inward/medially into a valgus position
do these in front of a mirror
10 reps daily each side
use this to work on range of motion and ankle flexibility
slowly squat into the lowest position you can and hold for 5 secs
repeat 2-5 times daily